The first rule of traveling, as every traveler knows, is to expect the unexpected. Whether it’s the screaming child next to you on the plane or forgetting your cell phone in a taxi somewhere, the unexpected can easily disrupt your otherwise well laid plans.
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The Art of Nonconformity
Have you ever thought to yourself, “there must be more to life than this.” Are you looking to do something extraordinary with your life? Do you harbor an unconventional dream, or just enjoy challenging the status quo?
How to Bake Brown Rice
Brown rice can be somewhat temperamental to cook, but it’s healthy benefits handily outweigh that of white rice. This method of baking brown rice couldn’t be simpler or more hands off.
Live the Questions
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a foreign tongue.”
Knowing When to Quit
How do you know when it’s time to lay down your cards or when it’s time to double down and push through? Whether it’s leaving a job or a relationship, the decision making process itself isn’t something we talk much about.
What’s the one thing that would make the biggest difference?
The answer isn’t far below the surface in your life. It rarely is. Whether you’re ready yet to admit it to yourself or not. If you’re still and you stop to really listen as you ask yourself the question, it’s probably easy to identify.
The Importance of Personal
Before you can give of yourself, that which is truly personal, you have to know who you are and what you want. It’s sounds simple, but it’s not nearly as easy as it sounds.
Control is Illusory
The natural state of things does not include ordered rows of any kind of living things. Not in a garden, an office, or in your life. It’s easy to forget in modern, western society that our natural state is somewhat wild.
20 Truly Local Dallas Favorites
Dallas does not have a monopoly on pretentiousness or even on big hair! Here’s a list of 20 of my local Dallas favorites in an effort to sing the praises of the wonderful things that Dallas has to offer… Each is unique to Dallas. No big box stores or chains here.
Thinking Like a Lawyer
Becoming a lawyer will change your life, and not always in good ways. But, one of the major benefits of becoming a lawyer is the disciplined thinking you will gain by attending law school.