Here’s part two of my friend Jenn’s story, From Epidemiologist to Bartender… We left her in the last post as she was settling in to her life working at Marble Brewery in Albuquerque. Read her story about swallowing the fear, and making it happen.
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From Epidemiologist to Bartender…
This is a guest post by a friend of mine. What I admire most about her is that she’s always been unabashedly clear about who she is. She listens carefully to her internal compass, and then follows it. It’s taken her on some interesting journeys while I’ve know her… This is one of those stories.
Certainty Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
The goal is not 100% certainty. It doesn’t exist. My goal is to get you certain beyond a reasonable doubt that law school is the right decision for you.
A Lawyer’s Book Review of One L
The one exception I’m willing to make to my don’t-put-the-cart-before-the-horse rule with regard to law school is reading One L: The Turbulent True Story of a First Year at Harvard Law School (*), by Scott Turow. I finally read it for the first time a few weeks ago (as a lawyer, not a law student), and I really…
Would Lawyers Do Law School Again?
The ABA Journal posed this question to lawyers in the Question of the Week section on their blog, and the comments are worth reading for those in the process of deciding to go to law school.
20 Common Reasons Why People Go to Law School
Some are more geared toward success in the law than others, but most are not grounded in any real understanding of what it means to be a lawyer. Without understanding your motivations, you can’t make an informed decision.
Change, Death & Taxes
The saying goes that nothing is certain, but death and taxes. I’d argue that change should be included in that list! We can certainly count on change whether we want it or not… Change has been on the threshold in my life for at least the last 6 months, but I haven’t been able to talk about it. Until now…
My Real Life Law School Decision
Deciding whether or not I should go to law school was both one of the toughest decisions I’ve made and also one of the easiest. I struggled with it over the course of months and then made my final decision almost on a whim…
Top 10 Ways to Test Drive the Law
Most prospective law students spend MUCH less time researching the decision to go to law school than they spent on buying their last car despite the fact that student loans are not dischargeable in personal bankruptcy, like car loans.
Learn About Being a Lawyer BEFORE Taking the LSAT
Too many prospective law students spend their time learning about how to be successful in law school, but many effectively neglect the question of whether or not they actually want to be a lawyer.