Preferably one of the small ones. Now write down on that piece of paper the names of the people in your life whose opinion of you matters to you. If you’re anything like me, it will end up being a pretty short list. Last week, I came across this exercise part way through this great…
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A Day Trip to Pescadero
I love day trips. What’s not to love? You get all the benefits of a road trip — time on the open road, seeing home fade away in your rear view mirror, and watching new scenery appear outside your car window — but without any of the hassles of a real trip. I also love…
Revisiting Mumbai
Forgive me for how quiet things have been around here lately. I’ve been in India… Ok, not literally in India, but figuratively I’ve been thousands of miles away, totally immersed in a trip I took to Bangalore, Udaipur, and Mumbai in January of 2011. Now three years later, I finally sat down to write the…
Who’s Hiked Half Dome in Yosemite?
10-14 hours hiking time. Elevation gain, 4,800 feet. Elevation at the top, 8,842 feet. Most strenuous day hike in Yosemite. 14.2 miles round trip via Mist Trail, up to 17 miles from other spots. After naming 2014 my year of tacking the remaining mountains in my life, my friend Charlie proposed that we head out…
The Curated Commute — An Alpine Murder Mystery
The Curated Commute is a series where I pick interesting podcasts or other audio treats to accompany you on your commute. Hopefully they’ll entertain you and maybe even help you learn a little something while you’re en route… * * * It’s been a while since I’ve shared a great podcast here, and I couldn’t wait…
Street Food in Mexico City
It’s hard to know where to start when writing a single post about street food in Mexico City. From flautas, tamales, chicharrón, gorditas, quesadillas, tlacoyos, huaraches, panuchos, tlacoyos, huaraches to all manner of tacos and tortas. Whole books, blogs, Twitter and Instagram streams have been dedicated to cataloging the best of the best. And street vendors in Mexico City…
Stark Naked Adventure
This is a guest post by Heather Sinclair. She’s the grand prize winner of the Free Trip to San Francisco writing contest I hosted last year, and this is her winning essay. *** I’m having a proper adventure when I’m outside my comfort zone, sometimes in a place I’ve never been to, usually doing something…
Mountains to Tackle in 2014
On the heels of finishing paying off my mountain of law school debt in 2013, I’ve decided to make 2014 my year of tackling some of the other seemingly insurmountable mountains in my life. Literal and figurative mountains. Half Dome in Yosemite. The peaks around Lake Tahoe. Personal, physical, and maybe even mental mountains. When I…
Finishing Off 2013
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are excited for 2014! Confession: I love New Year’s Day and all the navel gazing that goes with it, and I always set New Year’s resolutions. Sure, it’s a arbitrary time to pick for making changes. So what! And lots of resolutions never happen. So what! Some…
Café de Olla | Coffee from the Pot
Despite the fact that Mexico is one of the largest coffee producing countries in the world, most of the coffee I drank there was pretty terrible. With a few notable exceptions. One of these happened on my first morning in Mexico City at a coffee shop called El Tercer Lugar near my hotel on Paseo…