Typically I’m an aisle seat kind of person. I like the freedom to be able to get up as many times as needed without having to bother anyone. The only other option is being a window person since no one actually wants a middle seat. Being small, I get a little fidgety if I’m trapped…
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A New York City Photo Teaser
I have LOTS to share with you from my recent trip to New York City! As always seems to happen, I walked (and ate) much more than initially seemed possible, spent as much time as possible with good friends, and discovered a few new favorites that I can’t wait to share. More coming very soon. Until then, I…
17 Bay Area Bloggers & Their San Francisco Favorites
This is the post I wanted to read when I was visiting San Francisco as a tourist and in my early days of moving to the city. I wanted a list lesser-known spots (not Trip Advisor attractions) to explore from people who know this city well. I couldn’t find one, so I wrote it myself….
My Favorite Places in New York City
After years of visiting New York City as a tourist and a business traveler, I have a few favorite places I like to visit. It’s kind of a random list including places I stumbled upon, places that were recommended, and a mishmash of other spots. My NYC Favorites (NEW) Lower East Side Tenement Museum, 103 Orchard St,…
Bioluminescent Night Kayaking on Tomales Bay
While I’m a city girl at heart, one of the things I was most looking forward to when I moved to San Francisco was spending much more time outdoors, hiking and exploring the natural beauty of the Bay Area. This from the woman who until last week still didn’t even own a pair of hiking boots!…
Still Life and Blossoming Almond Trees by Diego Rivera
Shortly after moving to San Francisco, I learned that one of my favorite artists also spent time here. Diego Rivera, the famous Mexican muralist, visited San Francisco in the early 1930s. It was a working honeymoon for him and his wife, the equally famous artist, Frida Kahlo. They spent time in the city as the celebrated guests of…
The Curated Commute — Inside the Hermit Kingdom
The Curated Commute is a series where I pick interesting podcasts or other audio treats to accompany you on your commute. Hopefully they’ll entertain you and maybe even help you learn a little something while you’re en route… *** Get a glimpse into what it’s like to spend about 100 days a year in North Korea as…
Instagramming From North Korea
Beautifully choreographed dancing, full coverage by the Associated Press, and 3G internet service. It’s safe to say that these are NOT the things you think of when I say North Korea, right? You’re far more likely to think of the dynastic, totalitarian regime that been in power since the 40s begun by Kim Il-sung (pictured above) and now…
A Warm Welcome to Our Newest Readers!
We’ve had LOTS of new readers join Far & Wise over the past couple of weeks, which is very exciting! This post is to say “Hello!” and to give you a quick introduction and tour of the site. THE STORY BEHIND FAR & WISE I started writing online a few years ago, but I’ve hit…
Songs for Homesick Texans
I love San Francisco, but sometimes I still really miss Texas. My oldest nephew started 2nd grade today, and another nephew — who we playfully call #2 or goo goo bear — got stitches last night on his left eyebrow, in the exact same spot as I had them! Whether celebrating, cuddling, or crying is needed,…