I’m rarely at a loss for words, as those who know me personally can attest, but I’ve been at a loss for how to describe my hopes for this site. When I was called upon to introduce myself at Pam’s workshop here in Dallas, I punted. I didn’t talk about this site much at all, when it’s what really needed to be discussed. I spoke about the things I had figured out. I spoke about the work I’m doing with Paper & Chocolate, not my hopes for Cultivated Living.
I remember vividly the first time after passing the Texas bar exam that someone asked me what I did for a living. It was monumental and nerve wracking, but it was also simple and clear. “I’m a lawyer.” There’s nothing simple and clear about this explanation. It’s my avocation, and I don’t have it figured all out. I did know, however, that if I waited until I had it all figured out, I’d never do it! So it’s a work in progress…
While I wasn’t quite prepared to talk about it then, the workshop was the push I needed to start talking about it. There’s plenty more that I learned from reading Escape from Cubicle Nation and attending the workshop, but this has made a huge difference. Thanks, Pam!
The Books
I’m late in posting my book for last week, but it’s worth the wait! Plus, there’s two instead of just one.
Escape from Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur (*), by author and blogger Pamela Slim, and The E Myth Revisited – Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About it
(*), by Michael Gerber (recommended by Pam).
Escape from Cubicle Nation is a roadmap to becoming a thriving entrepreneur, and The E Myth discusses the connection between who you are and how you run your business. I highly recommend both of these books.
About Pam