Today I have a photo for you from a rare sunny day at Ocean Beach and a quick preview of my next post on surfing… Don’t worry it’s not a first hand account from me. I hate deep, open water!
It’s an unconventional account from an experience surfer of tackling fears in the form of a notorious surf spot known for its big waves and unique geography all conveniently nearby in the Bay area.
For now, here’s a little background about Ocean Beach which runs along the west coast of San Francisco. It’s also known as a great surf spot and commonly missed on a quick visit to the city.
“The water at Ocean Beach is noteworthy for its strong currents and waves, which makes it popular among serious surfers. The water is cold, due to in part, to a process known as upwelling, in which frigid water from below the ocean surface rises up to replace the surface water that moves away from the beach as a result of the Coriolis effect. The rapid rip currents and cold water make the ocean dangerous for casual swimmers or even for those who simply want to set foot in it, and swimmers have been swept away and drowned. Nevertheless, the beach is one of the Bay Area’s top surfing spots. The southern portion of the beach by Sloat Boulevard is one of the cleanest in the state.” From Wikipedia.
Correction: Ocean Beach is not just a great surf spot, but also “legitimately gnarley” in its own right.