By Armosa Studios.
Sometimes the biggest most challenging adventures in our lives are personal and internal — not nearly as easily shared as a trip around the world. I love big adventures that bring us outside of ourselves. They give us an opportunity to imagine ourselves differently — in a different context, with a different identity. And I think they help prepare us for the internal adventures too.
I recently had an opportunity to share a story about this kind of personal adventure at the World Domination Summit, a great event in Portland that I’ve attend for a the last few years. In front of more than 2200 people.
If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s talking. (Whenever I’ve jokingly said this to family or friends, it always elicits a knowing laugh. So I guess I’m not the only one who thinks this.) I don’t usually get nervous, but this was a whole new level — sharing something I’d felt self conscious about for a long time, that I’d really only spoken about with my nearest and dearest, and on a real stage with blindingly bright lights. One minute and thirty seconds isn’t very long to say much of anything. Every word counts, and therefore they need to be chosen and memorized in advance.
>> CLICK TO WATCH: Angela at WDS 2015
I spoke about finding love after being single for nearly a decade. Initially I didn’t realize how strongly I identified with being single — me, alone, against the world, even though I’d experienced the world as a largely hospitable and welcoming place.
On my first date with Cesar, I described myself to him as single and had an epiphany. If I wanted this man in my life, I was gonna have to change how I thought about myself. Recognizing this pattern and letting it go has been easier than expected in the day to day of our relationship, but less so in other ways.
It’s definitely been a great adventure, as was getting on stage to talk about it!
P.S. — Here’s a little more about love and my adventure of the heart. And, thanks to Faisal for taking the video!